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Hankook Tire ESG

Hankook Tire & Technology continues to develop and fully implement various ESG policies in each field to achieve mid- to long-term ESG goals.

  • Ethical management policy

    Hankook Tire & Technology practices ethical management, contributes towards increasing corporate value and national status as a global company, fulfills corporate social responsibilities, and pursues solid and sustainable growth with all of its stakeholders, including customers, business suppliers, local communities, and employees.

    Therefore, we shall set the following “Ethical Management Policy” as the standards for our value judgment and the pattern of behavior, and fully implement the policy:

    1. 1. Our goal is to become an ethical company that adheres to domestic and foreign laws and regulations, and corporate management policies, and practices the righteous management.
    2. 2. We put the customer first and supply good-quality tires, thereby assuring the best driving experience.
    3. 3. We strive to raise the value of our shareholders through rational decision-making and righteous management.
    4. 4. We provide equal and fair opportunities to our employees for self-realization and bring forth a smart workplace oriented towards innovation in every aspect of our business processes.
    5. 5. We comply with international agreements and various regulations, respect local laws and cultures, and take shape as the leading global tire company.
    6. 6. We exercise our proactive leadership skills, respect and practice ethical behaviors at the forefront.
  • Safety, health and environment policy

    According to the management principles that put the highest priority on the safety, health, and environment of humankind, Hankook Tire & Technology establishes an overall safety and health environment-oriented management system for the company, takes the initiative in implementing management activities for safety, health, and the environment throughout the entire process of the corporate activities and products, provides values and pleasure to its customers, and pursues safe and healthy lives.

    To this end, we hereby take an oath to act as follows:

    Safety, health and environment policy

    1. 1. We shall remove the risk factors through investment and operational improvement in safety, health, and the environment to reduce risks and protect the environment.
    2. 2. We shall provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and medical problems. We shall promote the efficient use and recycling of resources. Through these activities, we shall minimize the impact of our business activities on safety, health, and the environment.
    3. 3. To help our employees understand and continuously improve the safety, health, and environment management system, we shall provide education and competency improvement activities to our employees, and disclose our policies and management performance to stakeholders and communicate with them.
    4. 4. We shall establish and faithfully implement internal management standards that satisfy domestic and foreign laws and regulations as well as other requirements pertaining to safety, health, and the environment. Our employees shall evaluate the impact on safety, health, and the environment, and set and implement safety, health, and environment goals, to ensure continuous improvements.

    Essential Health and Safety Principles

    1. 1. Associated organizations and reporting systems shall be responsible for the prevention and occurrence of accidents.
    2. 2. All employees shall be under the duty to work without causing any safety-related accidents to occur from their initial date of employment.
    3. 3. The company shall formulate and train all safety regulations and standards, which shall be strictly complied with by all employees.
    4. 4. All employees shall make an effort to discover potential risks in advance, and the company shall take action to make improvements.
    5. 5. The company shall continuously improve harmful risk factors to protect the safety and health of all employees, including those of its business partners.
    6. 6. Safety outside of working hours shall be equally considered as safety during working hours.
    7. 7. The company shall make efforts to develop the technology for optimal safety and health management.
    8. 8. The company shall advance its safety and health management system through continuous system improvement.

    9. All employees shall comply with our policies on safety, health, and the environment publicly notified internally and externally, and fully discuss and take part in the management activities for safety, health, and the environment.

    Detailed Safety and Health Policy

    1. 1. All directions and principles are applied to all workers, including not only company employees but also contractors, suppliers and others.
    2. 2. The company complies with safety and health related international standards, laws, internal regulations and organizational agreements.
      The following are major internal regulations:
      • The company shall provide suitable protective equipment, and employees are mandated to wear such protective equipment when engaging in work.
      • Periodic emergency response training shall be conducted to ensure prompt response to emergency situations and fire.
      • All safety instructions shall be complied with when operating hazardous and dangerous machines, equipment and chemicals.
      • In the case of an accident, efforts, such as investigations according to the related procedures, to prevent recurrence shall be implemented.
      • The company shall investigate hazards in works that load the musculoskeletal system to improve work method and work environment, and employees shall conduct work safely according to internal regulations.
    3. 3. To promote discussions and participations of workers and worker representatives in safety and health related issues, various communication channels, such as Occupational Safety and Health Committee and Safety and Health Consultative Group, shall be organized and operated.
    4. 4. All employees, including executives, shall endeavor in achieving continuous improvement in the Safety and Health Management System.
    5. 5. All risks within the worksite shall be managed through the Risk Assessment System, and related matters shall be improved by setting priorities and establishing implementation plans.
    6. 6. Quantitative objectives and implementation plans shall be established and operated to improve the safety and health performance indices.
    7. 7. The implementation of safety and health management policies shall be ensured through the SHE Committee supervised by the board of directors.

    Environmental management policy

    1. <Environmental Management System>
    2. 1. Establish an “ESG Committee” under the board of directors to determine key issues related to environmental management policy implementation and environmental performance improvement
    3. 2. Discuss and decide on company-wide environmental management directions and issues with an “ESG Strategy Committee” composed of top management.
    5. <Environmental Objectives>
    6. 3. Set up environmental objectives to practice environmental management and strive to achieve them
    7. 4. In the product and service development stage, identify potential impacts on the environment throughout the life cycle of products and services and strive to improve them
    8. 5. Use sustainable raw materials, and develop and produce products that improve fuel efficiency / reduce noise / enhance durability in the product use phase
    9. 6. For the safe use of chemicals, review their environmental and health impacts, use them safely and dispose of them properly
    10. 7. Conduct environmental and sustainability assessments when contracting with suppliers and take these results into account when making purchasing decisions
    11. 8. Reduce the use of resources such as raw and subsidiary materials and water related to products and services
    12. 9. Minimize energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving energy efficiency and using renewable energy
    13. 10. Minimize effects on the environment such as water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, groundwater pollution, and waste generation from product manufacturing activities
    14. 11. Identify optimal transport distances and select appropriate transportation methods to reduce the environmental impact in the transportation phase of raw materials and products
    16. <Compliance>
    17. 12. Lead the tire industry by cooperating with business partners to proactively identify and reduce environmental impacts
    18. 13. Identify and minimize environmental risks by conducting due diligence in the case of mergers and acquisitions
    20. <Communication>
    21. 14. Continuously communicate with internal and external stakeholders such as the government, employees, and suppliers to evaluate the environmental impact of business activities and reduce them
  • Hankook Tire’s Supplier Sustainability Guidance

    Hankook Tire & Technology (‘Hankook Tire’) is committed to conduct business ethics to contribute to increasing corporate value as a global company. Fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, Hankook Tire is also pursuing robust and sustainable growth with all the stakeholders including customers, business partners, shareholder communities and workers. All the decisions and impacts that Hankook Tire makes are based upon its code of ethics along with truthful and ethical management.

    Hankook Tire shares the ‘Supplier Sustainability Guidance’ to obtain shared growth with suppliers, and requires its suppliers to respect and comply with the Sustainability Guidelines. Hankook Tire’s Supplier Sustainability Guidance applies to all suppliers of Hankook Tire and their workers along with all agencies, representatives, and contractors in contract with Hankook Tire as well as all supply chain that do not have contracts with Hankook Tire.

    Hankook Tire shares this Sustainability Guidance to all Suppliers prior to entering into contractual relationships. Suppliers should be fully aware and be acquainted with the elements of Sustainability Guidance, share it with their workers and train them, and be committed to their compliance.

    Hankook Tire may evaluate whether Suppliers are complying with the Sustainability Guidance and may conduct audits such as site visits, if necessary. Hankook Tire may request Suppliers to submit documents for evaluation and guarantees the protection of confidential information of suppliers. If an on-site audit is necessary, Hankook Tire must give proper and reasonable notification to Suppliers prior to the visit.

    Suppliers must respond faithfully to the requests for evaluation from Hankook Tire and must also inform Hankook Tire immediately of any violation or concerns that may cause a violation of Sustainability Guidance. If the negative social and/or environmental impacts resulting from violation of Sustainability Guidance are critical, Hankook Tire may terminate its relationships with the violating Supplier immediately as contracted.

    1. 1) Suppliers shall comply with the laws and regulations in the local and national jurisdiction of where they operate.
    2. 2) Suppliers must comply with Hankook Tire’s Supplier Sustainability Guidance along with their own code of ethics.
    3. 3) Hankook Tire has a duty to fulfill its corporate social responsibility by reporting ESG performance to all stakeholders. In order to achieve this, Hankook Tire may request the followings from its Suppliers, and Suppliers must faithfully respond with such requests unless there is a reasonable and mutually understandable cause.
      • (1) Request for ESG performance of Suppliers: Hankook Tire may request information regarding Suppliers’ policies, programs and their progress, and outcomes. Hankook Tire guarantees that all information provided by Suppliers is not used for any purpose other than ESG evaluation, and handled in compliance with the information security policies of each Supplier.
      • (2) Suppliers ESG audits: Hankook Tire may request a visit if an on-site audit of a Supplier is necessary. Hankook Tire must notify the Supplier prior to the visit.
      • (3) Faithfull response to evaluation and the audit: Suppliers must submit accurate data in timely manner for ESG evaluation and an audit performed by Hankook Tire. If any violations of laws and regulations, and Hankook Tire’s Supplier Sustainability Guidance or potential critical issues have been observed, Suppliers must immediately inform this observation with Hankook Tire. If a Supplier provides false data for the evaluation or the audit, or if Supplier’s violations cause critical social and/or environmental impacts, Hankook Tire may terminate its relationships with the Supplier immediately.
    1. 1) Suppliers shall comply with the anti-corruption and/or anti-bribery laws in their jurisdictions such as the Anti-graft law, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act.
    2. 2) Suppliers shall never provide or accept any bribes such as money and valuables to/from anyone under any circumstances and shall never demand or guarantee such to anyone.
    3. 3) Suppliers shall not provide any direct or indirect bribes to governments for commercial profit or to induce activities beneficial to the company.
    4. 4) Suppliers shall not provide or receive any gifts, money, valuables or items that go beyond the standards of local laws and Hankook Tire’s regulations with/from any government, Hankook Tire, or stakeholders.
    5. 5) Suppliers shall not be involved in any improper acquisition or embezzlement that results in unfair and improper benefits.
    6. 6) Supplier shall fulfills its financial responsibilities by accurately recording∙maintaining accounting records and transparently disclosing∙reporting them in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
    7. 7) Supplier shall respects the international trade order for related trade requirements such as export controls or economic sanctions.
    8. 8) Supplier shall establishes and implements a monitoring process to minimize the risk of including counterfeit parts and materials in products.
    9. 9) Suppliers shall take appropriate measures against worker(s) who offend the anti-corruption and anti-bribery practices, such as disciplinary actions, as prescribed by company regulations.
    1. 1) Establishing its own human rights management system, Hankook Tire is committed to respect and protect human rights. In line with its human rights policy, Hankook Tire demands that its Suppliers respect and protect human rights as well. Also, Hankook Tire demands that Suppliers support and endeavor to observe Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Global Compact, International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which all serve as the foundation of the human rights management system of Hankook Tire.
    2. 2) Prohibition of forced labor: Supplier shall not impose all types of forced labor (slave, human trafficking, involuntary prison labor, etc.) against the free will of the worker or restrict the worker’s mental and physical freedom such as assault, threat, verbal abuse or harassment.
    3. 3) Prohibition of child labor: Suppliers shall comply with the minimum employment age regulations of each country where they operate, and shall not employ youth below the age of 15. If Suppliers employ individuals under the age of 18, Suppliers shall protect those workers from any hazards.
    4. 4) Prohibition of discrimination: Supplier shall not discriminate against workers in hiring, compensation, or promotion on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, religion, pregnancy, unionization, marital status, or social status. In addition, the supplier shall guarantee the equal remuneration for work of equal value and provide the education on diversity and non-discrimination.
    5. 5) Ethical recruiting: Supplier shall employ workers in a legal, fair and transparent manner. The supplier shall let workers keep their original documents such as identity documents or passport, and inform the working conditions, rights and responsibilities in a language well understood by them when hiring them or modifying employment contracts. The supplier shall not make financial demands such as deposits or commissions on workers in the process of employment.
    6. 6) Guarantee of freedom for association: Suppliers shall offer opportunities for communication between the companies and their workers, guarantee the freedom of association, and shall not retaliate for unionization activities of their workers.
    7. 7) Fair wage payment and stabilization of livelihood: Suppliers shall contribute to the stabilization of the livelihood of their workers by complying with the minimum wage, overtime, health insurance and worker rest and leave regulations of each country where they operate.
    8. 8) Working hours: Suppliers shall comply with the maximum working hours in the jurisdiction of their business sites and shall not force overtime labor on their workers.
    9. 9) Rights of minorities and indigenous peoples: Supplier shall respect and recognize the economic, social and cultural rights of minorities and indigenous peoples according to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The supplier shall carry out the FPIC (Free, Prior, and Informed Consent) process of UN-REDD for activities that can affect their rights.
    10. 10) Land, forest and water rights and forced eviction: Supplier shall respect and support the rights of local communities for proper living conditions.
    11. 11) Use of private or public security forces: Supplier shall conduct appropriate monitoring to prevent the violations of human rights by any private or public security company it hires.
    1. 1) Suppliers shall abide by the laws and regulations relating to the health and safety of work environment in the jurisdiction of where they operate. Suppliers should establish and enforce their own health and safety policies and processes. Also, the health and safety standards and processes must be notified and shared among workers in a language that they are able to understand.
    2. 2) Suppliers should put the safety first and foremost under any circumstances. Therefore, Suppliers should not proceed with any process, manufacturing, or activity that does not comply with the safety policies, regulations or laws.
    3. 3) Suppliers should provide their workers with a safe and clean work environment including as follows:
      • (1) Safety equipment and training necessary to perform work in a safe condition
      • (2) Training on how to respond to emergencies at workplace
      • (3) First aid kits which are readily available
      • (4) Fully functional fire extinguishers and fire exits
      • (5) Ventilation with fresh or purified air
      • (6) Comfortable temperature
      • (7) Sufficient and suitable lighting for work
      • (8) Potable water for all workers
      • (9) Providing and proper maintaining sufficient and suitable washing facilities and sanitary conveniences
      • (10) Sufficient, suitable and comfortable seats (chairs) supplied to the workers
      • (11) Suitable facilities for changing, storing, and drying workers’ clothing (if workers use uniforms or other work-specific clothing)
      • (12) Clean and sanitary facilities and areas designated for eating
      • (13) (If possible) Dormitories (residential facilities) which are clean and sanitary, safe and meet the basic needs of the workers
      • (14) Clean and sanitary toilet facilities
    4. 4) Suppliers shall prohibit the use, possession, distribution, and sale of all illegal drugs in all of their business sites.
    5. 5) If an accident occurs at the Supplier’s business site, the Supplier should assess the accident, take appropriate corrective actions, and these actions should include measures to prevent the recurrence of such an accident.
    6. 6) If Suppliers have been ordered to suspend its business, or have been levied a significant fine as a result of violating health∙safety laws and regulations, or have been convicted, Suppliers should inform such facts immediately to Hankook Tire.
    1. 1) Suppliers shall observe the laws and regulations of where they operate, and make policies and implement procedures of their own
    2. 2) Suppliers should make the following efforts to decrease environmental impacts which occur during business.
      • (1) Reduction and prevention of environmental pollution
        • A. Reduction and prevention of air∙water∙soil∙underground water pollution, waste - generation, hazardous substances usage and noise
        • B. Safe treatment of air and water pollutants, and waste
      • (2) Climate change response
        • A. Expansion of use of renewable energy
        • B. Reduction of GHG emissions in value chain (Decarbonisation)
      • (3) Use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies
      • (4) Reducing, reusing, recycling resources, and replacing by renewable ones
      • (5) Protection of natural ecosystem with the preservation of biodiversity, land use and prevention of deforestation
      • (6) Compliance with national and international regulations related to animal protection, animal welfare, and animal testing
      • (7) Acquisition, maintaining and renewal of environmental permits and registration
    3. 3) If Suppliers have been ordered to suspend its business, or have been levied a significant fine as a result of violating environmental laws and regulations, or have been convicted, Suppliers should inform such facts immediately to Hankook Tire.
    1. 1) All Suppliers that provide materials for Hankook Tire shall not use any mineral extracted from conflict-affected or high-risk areas and must submit certificates to prove the origin of these minerals. If necessary, Hankook Tire may conduct an on-site audit of Supplier practices.
    2. 2) Minerals subject to regulations: refers to minerals illegally mined in conflict areas or high-risk areas such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, and cobalt.
    1. 1) Suppliers shall comply with information security regarding personal, financial and health information of workers, suppliers and customers, and must establish and implement a protection policy.
    2. 2) Suppliers may request and collect personal information from their workers, customers, and their own suppliers only with a legitimate business reason and shall comply with the local laws and regulations in their respective jurisdiction in such situation.
    3. 3) Suppliers shall observe laws and regulations regarding intellectual property, trade secrets, trademark rights and confidential information, and must establish and implement a protection policy.
    1. 1) The workers of Suppliers and Hankook Tire should not enter into any financial or personal relationships that may cause a conflict of interest for either side.
    2. 2) Suppliers should immediately report to Hankook Tire if a conflict of interest or potential concern arises. For example, if a family member or close relative of an worker of Hankook Tire has been employed by a Supplier, such fact should be reported to the Legal Team of Hankook Tire immediately. Also, the Supplier should reassign workers under such circumstances to prevent the conflict of interest.
    1. 1) Suppliers shall comply with the principles of competition while respecting business ethics and customs and not pursuing profit in an unfair manner.
    2. 2) The workers of Suppliers must not collect competitive information through improper channels such as misrepresentation or theft, and must not accept confidential information without the owner’s consent.
    3. 3) Suppliers must be aware and well acquainted with the terms above, and share them accurately with their workers and contractors. Also, Suppliers must train their workers regarding anti-competition laws and regulations as well.
    1. 1) Suppliers should guide and train their workers regarding the elements of this Sustainability Guidance.
    2. 2) Suppliers may report or inquire to the Misconduct Report, Audit Team, or Legal Team of Hankook Tire if the workers of their own company or Hankook Tire violate this Sustainability Guidance or similar concerns arise.
    3. 3) Hankook Tire must adhere to its strictest confidentiality regarding reports and/or inquires made by Suppliers and protect anonymity for reporters and/or inquirers.
    4. 4) Suppliers should operate appropriate channels for reporting any violations or potential concerns of this Sustainability Guidance mentioned above while establishing and implementing a policy that protects whistle-blower. Also, Suppliers should train their workers regarding whistle-blowing channels and processes along with the policy on protection of whistle-blowers.
    5. 5) For the sustainability of the entire value chain of Hankook Tire, the supplier (tier-1) should establish its own sustainability guidelines and ensure that sub-suppliers (tier-n) comply with them.
  • Sustainable natural rubber policy

    1. 0. Mission
      • Hankook Tire makes constant efforts for economic, social and environmental sustainability of the natural rubber value chain.
    2. 1. Background
      • About 85 percent of rubber trees are grown by smallholders. As industrial rubber demand increases due to world population growth and improvements in the quality of life, it is expected that economic, social and environmental issues will arise.
      • Hankook Tire is a tire manufacturer that does not own any natural rubber farms or processing facilities. As such, we aim to propose and execute joint activities with other members of the natural rubber value chain and join global efforts such as GPSNR to establish a sustainable natural rubber value chain.
    3. 2. Natural Rubber Value Chain
      • 1) Producers: Farmers, organizations and entities who are producing natural rubber, excluding Smallholder Producers.
      • 2) Smallholder producers: Natural rubber farmers, with all following characteristics.
        • A. The primary source of income for the smallholder is the farm (not only Natural Rubber);
        • B. The Natural Rubber production unit size is less than 50ha (although the farm may be larger); and
        • C. Profits from the farm accrue primarily to the owner of the farm and their family.
      • 3) Dealers: Entities that purchase and collect natural rubber from growers and sell it to processors.
      • 4) Processors: Entities that process primary sources of natural rubber raw materials into natural rubber products.
      • 5) Traders: Entities that buy and sell natural rubber involving physically handling or storing physical material.
      • 6) Manufacturers: Companies who buy and process natural rubber in order to produce finished products that contain natural rubber.
    4. 3. Sustainable Natural Rubber Policy (referred to as Policy hereafter)
      • 1) Support for raising growers’ living standards through improving productivity and quality of natural rubber
        • (1) We, Hankook Tire, will increase its material efficiency trying to identify the most suitable cultivation practices (such as effective improvement of plant breeding and development of agricultural techniques, etc.) and encourage growers to receive training (such as using productive fertilizers, or appropriate tapping techniques, etc.).
      • 2) Demand for compliance with laws and regulations, and code of ethics
      • 3) Demand for respecting and protecting human rights
        • (1) We demand compliance with Hankook Tire’s Declaration of Human Rights(, which observes the principles of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization.
        • (2) We demand the recognition of the rights of indigenous people and local communities in compliance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
          • A. We demand the recognition of traditional rights of access to hunt and harvest animals and plants for the sake of survival, and indigenous, cultural and religious traditions, customs and rituals.
          • B. We demand the recognition and protection of the customary, traditional, and communal land tenure rights of indigenous people and local communities
          • C. For activities that can influence indigenous peoples and local communities (IP/LC), FPIC (Free, Prior, and Informed Consent) is obtained in accordance with the methodology prescribed in the UN-REDD (2012) Guidelines on FPIC. If we cause or have caused harm to the lands, territories, rights, or resources of IP/LC without securing FPIC, we take measures to remedy such issue through a mutually agreeable process. Implementation will be jointly monitored by the community and the GPSNR member and/or by mutually agreed third party(ies).
          • D. We demand the operation of sustainable, effective, and culturally appropriate dialogue channels with indigenous people and local communities.
        • (3) We demand support for proper living environments and food security, and respect and support for the economic, social, and cultural rights regarding community livelihoods.
      • 4) Demand for activities to support environmental protection and the least negative impact on the environment of supply chain partners
        • (1) We demand the prevention of deforestation and the degradation of high conservation values (HCV) in the production and procurement process for natural rubber, and if deforestation or degradation of HCV is confirmed to have taken place after April 1, 2019, sourcing will be prohibited. Identification and management of areas for development and conservation will comply with methodologies and guidelines that observe the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) and HCV Approach.
        • (2) We demand the prohibition of burning/fire for the purpose of land preparation, land management, waste disposal, etc.
        • (3) We demand a prohibition on development or procurement of peatland farming of natural rubber.
        • (4) We demand the protection and restoration of natural forests and ecosystems, along with rare, threatened, endangered and critically endangered species, and wildlife.
        • (5) We demand that water resources be conserved including through the prevention of water pollution caused by the use of pesticides and industrial chemicals, erosion, and sedimentation during the production and procurement of natural rubber.
        • (6) We demand that soil be conserved through the prevention of soil erosion, nutrient deficiency, ground subsidence, and pollution during the production and procurement of natural rubber.
        • (7) We are committed to minimizing and mitigating GHG emissions and energy usage.
      • 5) Efforts to prevent resource depletion and maintain sustainability
        • (1) We aim to reduce the use of natural resources by improving manufacturing processes, tire quality, raw materials, etc.
      • 6) We track the complex and diverse natural rubber supply chain from growers to manufacturers, at a minimum to an appropriate jurisdictional level, to identify and purchase materials that comply with GPSNR policies, in order to know the conformance of purchased materials with GPSNR Policy Components.
    5. 4. Implementation of the Policy and compliance with it
      • 1) We formulate plans for the implementation of the Policy.
        • (1) Goals and policies to achieve those targets are approved by the ESG Strategy Committee, with the participation of the CEO, and are embedded into the company’s decision-making processes. The targets must reflect timebound and geographic-specific features and all policy provisions and approved targets should be disclosed.
        • (2) Monitor implementation progress and performance to the Supplier Committee, which is chaired by the Purchasing Director, once every quarter.
      • 2) We actively support the Policy compliance of supply chain partners through incentives, training, purchasing monitoring, etc.
        • (1) We propose guidelines for fulfilling the Policy requirements to suppliers and reflect them in contracts and when participating in activities, etc.
        • (2) Natural rubber suppliers that deal with material produced and processed in accordance and conformance with the GPSNR Policy Components will be preferred.
      • 3) We conduct a supply chain assessment at least once every two years.
        • (1) Based on the supply chain assessment, we will prioritize risk mitigation actions for social and environmental risks that are identified.
        • (2) We formulate time-bound implementation plans for the compliance of suppliers who do not adhere to the elements of the Policy.
        • (3) We construct processes to integrate information from stakeholders on our suppliers’ compliance with the Policy.
        • (4) If there are significant negative social and environmental impacts resulting from non-compliance, transactions may be discontinued.
        • (5) We, Hankook Tire, promise to develop our ESG assessment tools constantly.
      • 4) We disclose the plans and achievements of our sustainable natural rubber policy in a transparent and faithful manner at least once every year.
      • 5) To offer opportunities for feedback and suggestions related to our policy fulfillment, we actively communicate with stakeholders regularly.
      • 6) We support multi-stakeholder planning and policy efforts that uphold the GPSNR principles at a landscape, jurisdictional or other spatial level.
  • Global Sustainable Purchasing Policy

    Hankook Tire & Technology recognizes the importance of sustainable supply chain management and, through this policy, aims to eliminate supply chain risks and establish a sustainable supply chain.
    This policy applies to all n-tier suppliers of Hankook Tire & Technology's globally connected operations.

    This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors and the Executive Management.

    1. 1. Comply with the Sustainable Natural Rubber Policy
      • Hankook Tire & Technology, as a founding member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), is responsible for managing its natural rubber supply chain in accordance with GPSNR policies.
      • All natural rubber suppliers to Hankook Tire & Technology shall contribute to the development of a sustainable natural rubber supply chain when entering into contracts with us.
    2. 2. Sustainable Raw Material Sourcing and Environmental Impact Minimization Policy
      • Hankook Tire & Technology strives to minimize the environmental and social impacts of sourcing and using raw materials to manage and enhance the sustainability of our supply chain. In this process, we prohibit the use of raw materials sourced from areas with significant biodiversity and those that cause deforestation or peatland destruction.
      • Our goal is to achieve Net-zero and sustainable raw material use 100%% by 2050. We collaborate with external stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of our raw material purchasing activities. We continue to expand the use of bio-based or recycled raw materials and third-party-verified materials that meet global standards such as ISCC PLUS and ISO 14001.
      • Hankook Tire & Technology identifies potential environmental impacts within the supply chain and continuously monitors and manages these impacts. We comply with national, regional, and local laws and regulations across all areas of our operations. In collaboration with our suppliers, we seek opportunities to maximize energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
      • Hankook Tire & Technology is committed to enhancing transparency and accountability within our supply chain. To achieve this, we request suppliers to provide detailed information on the origins of raw materials. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance reliability and sustainability throughout the supply chain.
    3. 3. Respect for Human and Labor Rights
      Hankook Tire & Technology shall ensure that its suppliers comply with the following minimums
      • The fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), particularly those related to child labor, forced or compulsory labor, freedom of association, collective bargaining rights, discrimination, and harassment.
      • Compliance with international standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, OECD Guidelines, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
      • Adherence to labor laws and regulations in the country or region where the business operates, including provisions on remuneration, working hours, and freedom of association.
    4. 4. Respect for Land Use Rights
      Hankook Tire & Technology requires all suppliers to strictly comply with all laws and regulations related to land use in the countries in which they operate. Suppliers shall respect local communities and the environment when acquiring, using, or developing land and shall secure land use rights through due process. Failure to do so may lead Hankook Tire & Technology to review the relationship and take appropriate actions.
    5. 5. Zero Tolerance for Corruption and Misconduct
      Hankook Tire & Technology and all suppliers are required to adopt a "zero tolerance" policy concerning corruption, bribery, and other misconduct. We ensure free and fair competition among suppliers and reserve the right to take necessary and appropriate measures to recover damages in the event of anti-competitive behavior by suppliers. If any irregularities are identified, all relevant parties shall report them through the grievance channel (see 10.①) without delay. Whistleblowers will be fully protected from any retaliation.
    6. 6. Supplier management process
      To build sustainable partnerships with our suppliers, Hankook Tire & Technology systematically operates a process for selecting new suppliers and ESG management of existing suppliers.
      ① New Supplier Selection
      • Process: Bid for new suppliers → Pre-screening → Pledge the ‘Code of Conduct’ → Sign Purchase Agreement
      ※ Note: Hankook Tire & Technology only enters into purchase contracts with suppliers who have signed the ‘Code of Conduct’ .
      ② Supplier management process
      Process Details
      Code of Conduct’ Pledges and compliance • Hankook Tire & Technology's suppliers annually pledge to comply with the ‘Code of Conduct’, our supplier sustainability guidance.
      • Supplier committee updates the ‘Code of Conduct’ annually to ensure it does not conflict with new ESG requirements.
      Supplier ESG Assessment and Due Diligence • Conduct regular ESG assessments and due diligence of suppliers to Identify and monitor risks
      Identification and Management of Significant Suppliers • Identify and manage significant suppliers who have a significant impact on production
      • Annually review and update the issues and significance of significant suppliers
      Support and Monitoring of Supplier ESG Risk Improvement • Streamline follow-up management and improvement planning for high-risk suppliers based on assessment results, and support them with tailored improvement guides in collaboration with relevant departments
      • Apply weights to ESG criteria so that suppliers with excellent ratings score higher overall, receive priority in supply allocation, and qualify for higher advance payments, enabling a differentiated, rating-based approach
      Supplier ESG training and Capacity Building Programs • Provide ESG-related training and capacity building programs for suppliers
      ESG Program Performance/Issue Reporting and Management to the Board of Directors • The Supplier Committee establishes challenging initiatives each year and reports their execution plans and outcomes to the Board of Directors, thereby creating a responsible management system where the Board directly oversees the progress of ESG initiatives within the supply chain.
      • Report issues arising from the purchasing process to the Board of Directors.
    7. 7. Training and information
      ① Training
      Hankook Tire & Technology provides various training programs to deepen employees' understanding of sustainable purchasing and its effective implementation in daily work. Through this training, employees gain a better understanding of sustainability and are empowered to apply it to the company's purchasing and management processes.
      ② Information Disclosure
      Hankook Tire & Technology uses various channels to transparently disclose information on our sustainable procurement and management policies, performance targets, and implementation status. This information is regularly updated and published in detail in our ESG Report and on our website, helping stakeholders clearly understand Hankook Tire & Technology's sustainability efforts and actively communicate our commitment to social responsibility.
    8. 8. Confidentiality
      Hankook Tire & Technology strictly protects confidential information obtained through transactions and cooperation with suppliers and has a clear policy against its disclosure.
    9. 9. Timely Payments
      Timely payment to suppliers is a top priority for Hankook Tire & Technology, and we strictly adhere to this principle.
    10. 10. Grievance Management
      ① Grievances reporting channel
      Hankook Tire & Technology operates a channel for employees and other individuals or organizations to report purchasing-related grievances.
      o Representative reporting channel: Audit team
      - Ethics reporting
      - Dedicated Ethics Email
      [email protected]
      ② Grievance Resolution
      Hankook Tire & Technology develops response plans for reported cases, considering court precedents, regulations of competent authorities, and past internal practices. If a reported case is likely to violate laws/regulations, affect local residents' property rights, or pose risks to corporate reputation, response plans are discussed with the highest decision-making bodies, such as the management council or the board of directors.
  • Social contribution charter

    Sound corporate activities are valuable social contribution activities. Hankook Tire & Technology offers a solution for the company and local community to co-prosper through social contribution activities that will allow corporate capabilities to create social values.


    1. 1. Hankook Tire & Technology shall continue to create social and environmental values through economic and corporate activities and contribute towards revitalizing the local economy.
    2. 2. Hankook Tire & Technology shall fully practice contribution activities for quality satisfaction and customer safety with customer-oriented management activities.
    3. 3. Hankook Tire & Technology shall further enhance its efforts to minimize our environmental impact throughout its business activities and fully take part in conserving the local society and environment.
    4. 4. Hankook Tire & Technology shall remain entirely dedicated towards supporting the socially underprivileged or the equivalent, such as the disadvantaged in the local community, through the active return of created values to society.
    5. 5. Based on the fundamental philosophy of respect for human beings, Hankook Tire & Technology shall be at the forefront of building a healthy society by managing the health of its employees and providing medical support to local communities.

    Characteristics and orientation

    1. 1. Hankook Tire & Technology's social contribution activities maximize the interconnection with its core businesses as part of its efforts to ensure that corporate capabilities result in social values.
    2. 2. Hankook Tire & Technology's social contribution activities refrain from engaging in any inconsistent and aimless activities and focus the company-wide capabilities on its leading social contribution programs.
    3. 3. Hankook Tire & Technology's social contribution activities set the orientation for practical solutions to the pending issues and problems surrounding local communities.
  • Human rights management declaration

    Hankook Tire & Technology endorses and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, and fully endeavors to avoid any involvement in the human rights violations.

    This declaration and principle apply to all workers (Contract workers, temporary workers, foreign workers, migrant workers, etc.) of all global business sites of Hankook Tire & Technology (Including subsidiaries and Laufenmiller), as well as all stakeholders we come into contact with through our business activities, including partners, customers, and local communities.

    Human Rights Management Declaration of Hankook Tire & Technology

    1. 1. Hankook Tire & Technology is fully aware that human rights, a universal value for humankind, are important, and that we can realize such value in our business activities. Based on this, we will continue to respect and protect the human rights of all workers, including irregular workers, temporary workers, and foreign workers, and, by extension, all stakeholders , Customer and Local Community who come into contact with us through our products, services, and business activities.
    2. 2. To realize this responsibility to respect human rights, Hankook Tire & Technology will continue to endorse and abide by the principle under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, and the International Labor Organization's Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
    3. 3. In addition, Hankook Tire & Technology endorses the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the UN Human Rights Council, and to abide by the Principles, it will operate a human rights management system, encompassing the diagnosis, improvement activities and monitoring, internal and external communications, grievance settlement, and relief procedures.
    4. 4. As a company that is oriented towards fulfilling its social responsibilities and pursuing the happiness of all workers and stakeholders, Hankook Tire & Technology will comply with the laws of each country under any circumstances, and respect and protect human rights to contribute towards the sound development of society.

    Hankook Tire Human Rights Principles

    1. 1. Prohibition of Forced Labor
      Hankook Tire shall not use or get involved in any kind of forced labor through physical and mental suppression of freedom of any person, including bonded labor, slavery and human trafficking.
    2. 2. Prohibition of Child Labor
      Hankook Tire shall comply with the minimum employment age regulations of each country where it operates and not designate takes with safety and health hazards to individuals under the age of 18.
    3. 3. Prohibition of Discrimination
      Hankook Tire shall not discriminate in hiring, compensation, or promotion on the basis of race, age, gender, nationality, disability, religion, pregnancy, unionization, marital status, social status, or sexual orientation.
    4. 4. Gender Equality Achievement
      Hankook Tire shall ensure women’s full and effective social participation, equal opportunities for leadership and equal remuneration for work of equal value.
    5. 5. Guarantee of Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
      Hankook Tire shall offer opportunities for communication between the company and its workers, guarantee the freedom of association, and not retaliate for unionization activities of its workers.
    6. 6. Decent Wage Payment and Stabilization of Livelihood
      Hankook Tire shall contribute to the stabilization of the livelihood of its workers by complying with the minimum wage, overtime, social insurance and employee rest and leave regulations of each country where it operates, and supporting decent living wages.
    7. 7. Working Hours
      Hankook Tire shall comply with national legal working time regulations of each country where it operates as a minimum requirement in terms of regular, overtime, and holiday work.
    8. 8. Health and Safety
      Hankook Tire shall establish a safe, clean work environment for all workers and protect its workers against various harmful substances.

    [Human Rights Risk Assessment]
    Hankook Tire & Technology conducts regular human right impact assessment (once a year) to identify human right risks, and conducts irregular human right audits when special circumstances arise in business activities (Factory expansion, expansion of business countries, mergers and acquisitions). With this, the company aims to proactively identify human right risks that have a negative impact on employees and stakeholders and implement improvement activities for identified risks to protect human right.

    1. 1. Organization in charge: ESG team and other related departments
    2. 2. Assessment process
       1) Developing an implementation plan
        - Analyze human right-related standards and initiatives such as the UN, UNGC, OECD, ILO, and the National Human Right Commission, and use a checklist* that reflects the company's current status.
        - Review vulnerable workplaces and targets** based on the importance of human right impact
       2) Implementing assessment
       3) Analyzing result and establishing improvement plan
        - Prioritize identified human right risks and establish improvement plans based on the priority.
       4) Improvement activities
       5) Activity report
        - Report the status and performance of human right management through the ESG Report once a year

      *Checklist key contents: Forced and child labor, human trafficking, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, equal pay, discrimination, human rights of local residents, human rights of customers, environmental rights
      **Major vulnerable groups: Women, children, dispatched workers, migrant workers, local communities, indigenous people

    [Human Rights Reporting Channel]
    Hankook Tire & Technology is operating a real-time participation site to prevent human right violations.
    Anyone witnessing any instance of non-compliance with human right principles or human right violations should report them through the reporting channels. The informant and the contents of the report will be kept strictly confidential, and the company will take every measure to ensure that the informant won't suffer any disadvantage as a result of the report.

    1. 1. Report channel:
    2. 2. Procedure
      Receive report → Confirm and Investigate fact → Closing → Confirm processing result
    Prohibition of forced labor
    Prohibition of child labor
    Guarantee of gender equality
    Guarantee of Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
    Payment of appropriate remuneration and stable living
    Compliance with legal working hours
    Guarantee of health and safety
  • Conflict minerals policy

    Hankook Tire & Technology exercises caution through its entire supply chain to assure that it does not acquire any natural resources from conflict zones where human rights are under serious threat.


    The regulation on conflict minerals regulation was initiated to prevent any funds generated from the sale of minerals extracted in conflict zones from flowing into armed groups in the applicable country, and it requires a company to report any use of minerals mined in a conflict zone (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold).

    Definition of a conflict mineral

    1. 1. A natural resource that is mined through the serious violation and exploitation of human rights, that the profits thereof are used for rebel activities
    2. 2. Conflict zones: Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda , and Uganda
    3. 3. Conflict minerals: Tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold mined from conflict zones

    Conflict Minerals Policy of Hankook Tire & Technology

    1. 1. Hankook Tire & Technology's own regulations : Guidelines for the Selection and Management of Raw and Subsidiary Material Suppliers, Chapter III, Article 8 (Conflict Minerals) stipulates as follows.
      • • All suppliers who supply goods to the company must not use minerals mined in conflict zones and must submit a certificate of origin as a proof thereof.
      • • If necessary, the company may conduct due diligence on its suppliers.
    2. 2. Proof and risk assessment process for conflict minerals

    Hankook Tire & Technology’s response to conflict minerals

    1. 1. Since Hankook Tire & Technology is not listed on the US stock exchange, it is not subject to direct regulation, but as it supplies tires as the components of motor vehicles, there is an increasing demand from automakers to verify our non-use of conflict minerals. Although the tire’s bead wire contains tin which is one of the minerals subject to regulation, Hankook Tire & Technology is supplied with bead wires from companies that use tin from smelters designated as 'Conflict Free' by a third-party independent auditor.
    2. 2. To comply with the regulations on conflict minerals, Hankook Tire & Technology has established a purchasing policy to prohibit any use of conflict minerals, and stipulated that companies supplying raw materials subject to regulation may be inspected for the relevant issue during due diligence. We have posted such information on the supply chain to request a ban on the use of any conflict minerals, and companies that supply relevant minerals are required to submit a CMRT (conflict minerals reporting template) and proof of origin once every year.
  • Tax policy

    Hankook Tire & Technology practices the return of corporate profits to society through an honest tax payment. The company does not take advantage of tax rate structures or tax systems for tax avoidance, and it does not pass on any revenue generated to countries with lower tax rates.

    Hankook Tire & Technology is well aware that tax compliance and tax risk management are important factors for contributing to the national finance, securing customer interests, and maximizing profits for shareholders, and perceives that they are essential requirements for sustainable management. To this end, we have documented the standards and procedures in place for tax principles, policies, and risk management, and we pursue building a cooperative and constructive relationship with the tax authority for accurate tax payment and reports.

    1. 1. To pay taxes in good faith as specified under the law, we strictly comply with domestic and foreign tax laws, etc. in all transactions designed to create economic and social values, and accurately report and pay the tax payable under the tax laws and the like.
    2. 2. To ensure the transparency of taxation, we fully disclose all of the relevant company information to its stakeholders. In addition, to ensure the adequacy of the application of the tax laws and protect the stakeholders, we report the amount of tax payable through an accounting firm for he items of taxation as specified under the laws and regulations.
    3. 3. We do not transfer income across borders or engage in any transactions related to tax avoidance using the difference in tax laws across countries, loopholes in the international tax system, and tax havens, and we assure that our branches and subsidiaries are adequately taxed in a legitimate manner according to the value created in each country where our business activities are carried out.
    4. 4. For transactions with parties in a special relationship, our principles require our branches and subsidiaries to adopt the arm's length principle according to the guidelines for the transfer prices of the OECD and the laws and regulations of each pertinent country, and for the transactions involving the transfer prices with parties in a special relationship outside Korea, we require external tax experts to compile reports on transfer prices and manage the implementation status.
  • Biodiversity policy

    Recognizing the importance of protecting natural capital and biodiversity, Hankook Tire & Technology is taking proactive action to investigate and minimize the potential impact of all its business on the environment and biodiversity.

    1. 1. We will comply with applicable national, regional and local legal requirements at all places of business covered by the International Convention on Biodiversity and Land Protection (World Heritage areas, IUCN Category I-Ⅳ protected area).
    2. 2. We will predict the impact of the project on the environment and biodiversity, prevent and minimize risk factors, and continuously monitor the impact while promoting projects such as new and existing policies, expansions, and projects. In addition, we will endeavor to apply this policy to all global business sites, tier 1 suppliers, and non-tier 1 suppliers.
    3. 3. For those business sites where important habitats are located, we will strive to minimize biodiversity loss (NNL, No Net Loss) and further create a positive impact (NPI, Net Positive Impact). In particular, we will periodically monitor the water quality and soil pollution around the business sites and try to minimize the impact on the local environment for the Daejeon and Geumsan plants, which are the largest business sites.
    4. 4. Hankook Tire & Technology is contributing to the restoration of the local ecosystem by releasing black shinners endangered species of persimmons in Daejeon area where we plant Abeliophyllum distichum, Iris minutoaurea Makino and Iris ruthenica Ker Gawl, which are endemic here in Korea. We will continue to review the operation of mid- to long-term programs to promote biodiversity.
    5. 5. We will expand support for regional, national and global biodiversity conservation initiatives to protect endangered, rare and endemic species. In addition, we will make active efforts such as strengthening communication to enhance the understanding of biodiversity with our employees and stakeholders.
  • No Deforestation Policy

    Hankook Tire & Technology considers the prevention of deforestation and the sustainable use of resources to be critical in combating climate change and protecting ecosystems. To this end, we have established a No Deforestation Policy to ensure that the raw materials used in our tire manufacturing process are sourced from deforestation-free resources.

    This policy applies to all Hankook Tire & Technology global operations, including domestic and international subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners. We expect all stakeholders to adhere to this policy.

    This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors and the Executive Management.

    1. 1. Hankook Tire & Technology pursues deforestation-free operations to protect the environment and preserve biodiversity.
    2. 2. Hankook Tire & Technology will strive to minimize and mitigate deforestation across all aspects of our business. We will not establish operations that contribute to deforestation, and when exiting existing operations, we will endeavor to restore greenery and forests in the affected areas.
    3. 3. Hankook Tire & Technology will assess deforestation risks throughout our supply chain and encourage all operations, including first-tier and second-tier suppliers, to adhere to our No Deforestation Policy.
    4. 4. Hankook Tire & Technology will undertake activities to protect and restore forests around our operations, aiming to achieve Net Zero Deforestation by 2050, thereby contributing to sustainable environmental protection.
    5. 5. Hankook Tire & Technology will establish and monitor procedures and governance systems to ensure that deforestation issues are consistently considered in our management strategies, decision-making processes, and long-term risk analysis.